J. Cuellar is an assistant professor in the
Information Systems department at Georgia Southern University. He has a Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration Summa Cum Laude from
the University of Central
Florida and a Master of Science in Computer Information
Systems from Georgia
State University.
His research
interests center around the question of what makes projects and other change efforts successful. He investigates this question largely at the social level.
To answer the question, he considers the nature of the IT artifact, its relationship
with human actors, how the configuration of artifact use
arises during implementation and the various risks and
success factors for artifact development and implementation.
He is also interested in methods for evaluation of scholarly
he adopts a critical realist approach as defined by Bhaskar
and others. This approach addresses the criticisms of
positivistic realism while not adopting the agnostic stance
of extreme interpretivism. He believes that critical realism,
holds the potential to be the philosophy of science with
the most capability to provide explanatory power.
has published papers at conferences and journals such
as the European Journal of Information Systems, the Journal
of the Association for Information Systems, the European
Journal of Operations Research, and the ICIS, AMCIS, the
Academy of Management Annual Meeting Conferences.
He has taught courses at both the
undergraduate and graduate level. He has taught such courses
as Business Computer Applications, Fundamentals of IS,
Introductory Programming, Outsourcing, Systems Analysis
and Design and Operations and Project Management. His student ratings
score consistently above the departmental average for
all courses. He has also taught a doctoral seminar in Critical Realism at MidSweden University.
has substantial experience in industry having held management
positions for EDS and American Software. His experience
includes managing software product development and infrastructure
services, as well as systems management sales. His industry
experience is in high technology manufacturing companies
as well as automotive, and aerospace manufacturing.
He serves on the boards of Database, the Journal of Information
Systems Education (JISE), Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) and the AIS IT Project Management SIG and the Southern Association for Information Systems.
He is
the Managing Editor for the Journal of the Southern Association
for Information Systems.